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Ever since the great Einstein invented the light bulb! It has brought the human race much more convenience and paved the great broadway to development in the human race! As we no longer stop dead in our tracks when the night curtain falls.
Undeniably, the invention of the great light bulb has definitely brought immense convenience for the human race. BUT, it has also brought about a new form of pollution - LIGHT POLLUTION which are becoming more and more prominent in the years to come as more places around the globe has became more and more industrialised and even transformed into cosmopolitan cities that never sleeps, even @ the dead of our darkest nights.
We aim to raise awareness about Light pollution, which is not as widely known as a form of pollution as compared to land, water and air because it's effects is not that visibly clear.
Even so, light pollution does affect us in many ways although not as prominent; it can affect the psychological well-being of not only humans, but also animals.
Also, we want to find out preventive measures and more solutions to this problem and if possible, we would also like to look into the case studies of other countries, and what we can learn from them. We also aim to integrate physics into the study of our environment.
Posted by the Darks